Blizzard of '04!!!!

2004-01-05 at 11:10 a.m.

"Stay tuned for your Storm Watch 2004!"

Schools are closing in anticipation of snow tomorrow.

"What should you do in blizzard conditions?"

"Let's go to our own Tina Smithson, live in the Valley. Tina, how's the weather?"

"It's as bad as you'd expect, John. The wind is blowing, and it's really really really cold."

"Is there snow?"

"Not yet, John, but officials are telling everybody to stay home just in case."

There's three inches. Maybe four. The news programs are touting at is Blizzard '04! Storm Watch 2004! White Out!

Seriously, it's pretty, but folks. Schools were closing Sunday night in preparation for snow yesterday. And yes, it's ugly cold, and no one likes to be out in it, even us Midwesterners.

Y'all live amongst MOUNTAINS and you can't drive in a little snow? What's WITH you people?

New Year's Day was the same. Wake up, look out--a couple inches of pure white fluffly snow. Andrew and I decide to go get some Krispy Kremes to bring to our friends that we're watching the Rose Bowl with (ah, the West Coast--the only place you could imagine bringing donuts over when watching football--because games (like the Green Bay game) start at TEN A.M). We stopped to get gas, and the attendant (another fun fact about Oregon--you can't fill your own gas tank. You're not allowed.) looks in our backseat and says, "Y'all came out in this for donuts???"

One might point out they're not just donuts, they're Krispy Kremes, but all we did was shrug and say, "We're from Chicago."

It never occurred to us that the snow would make everything shut down. Not that snow can't shut things down, but you need, like, two feet. Or something.

My bookstore is closed today. Closed! Because of snow! In the morning snow!

(Which is good, because I've got some work to do, mmm-hmmm.)

Andrew and I were excited to move to Oregon for its temperate summers (ha!) and its mild winters (double ha!). Now here we are, snowbound and in three sweaters. Not that we mind, really. It's just... unexpected. And a little weird.

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