Oh, the weather out side is... mildly frightful.

2004-01-08 at 4:40 p.m.

I continue and continue to be awed by Portland under snow. Portland a la Glace. Frosty Portland.

No mail. (Mail must go through, my ass.) No newspaper (not that we don't know what the news would be if we did get it. "SNOW!") Trivia night at my bar, the free screening at the movie theater, even the grocery store down the block, all closed by the weather.

So, when PSU closes, the PSU bookstore might or might not close. Now, PSU has been closed since Tuesday morning. But us? So Tuesday, the Day of the Snow (Blizzard 2004!!!!!!), the bookstore closed. Yesterday, it was open from 12 to 5, and coming in was 'optional' (and so I optionaled to stay home, boo ya!). Today it was definitely open, but from 12-5 or 12-8 depending on who you ask. Tomorrow, PSU still closed, we're open 10 to 6.

See? The snow makes everything bitch ass crazy, I tell ya!

Andrew tried to get the car out this morning, but given that our driveway is at a 45 degree angle up to the street, and given that everything in Portland is frosted with a two-inch-think coating of ice, he ended up working from home again.

Me? not so lucky three days in a row.

So I go out to wait for the bus. And wait. And wait. Aaaaaand... start walking. Figuring I'd walk down to where three buses combine on the same route, thereby tripling my chances of getting a bus.

Please note, math fans, that three times zero is still ZERO.

Because I walked the entire four miles to work.

Shit, y'all, my legs are like NOODLES. I spent the entire time walking trying not to slip. I got passed by a guy wearing crampons on his boots.

Smart guy.

So now it's ten to five, and the bookstore is apparently closing at 5.

Looks like I'm getting my workout in today. Twice.

Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

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