This entry is probably TMI. In fact, it definitely is.

2004-03-16 at 8:29 a.m.

So yesterday:

I worked from home for about four hours (data entry, wheee!) and then left early for my bookstore job. I took the bus downtown and got off at the plaza near work. I spent two hours correcting other peoples' mistakes with the graduation regalia, repricing graduation robes (whole 'nother story, grrr) and then walked across town to meet with my cooperating teacher at a nearby highschool, about a mile away. I walked through the high school (wow, are high schools kind of all the same, with posters up about joining this or that team, the upcoming musical, vote for student government "you can make a difference!") to his classroom, where we chatted for some time. Then I walked halfway back to the bookstore, bought lunch, and sat in the park eating it while reading a magazine. I went back to the bookstore, where I worked for another four hours.

Why does this matter? Because--and here comes the TMI part--I have my period. And before I left my home, when I did the whole tampon thing, I also put in a pantiliner. But when I went to change the whole shebang at about five? There was no pantiliner anymore.

No idea where and when it decided to take an unscheduled journey.

I just really hope it wasn't along the hallways of the highschool. That might be a first impression too difficult to get over.

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