
2005-11-14 at 9:16 p.m.

You know that feeling after an overnight snowfall? You wake up and everything's muffled--noises especially. It feels like you can't hear two thirds of what you normally hear, and any sounds you make won't go nearly as far. No matter how hard you yell.

But not just the noises. Shapes and colors are swathed in layers and layers of detail-absorbing snow. And aside from the clean snow smell--smells, too, are frozen.

The only way this metaphor doesn't work to describe how I've felt all weekend is that usually after this snowfall, the air has an almost crystal clarity to it--as if you could spot a snowflake at thirty paces. Instead, imagine this muffling of everything to include just a general grayness, like it's twilight. That's it. That's how I've felt.

My sister's described it recently as raining. It's felt like a big muffling curtain. I feel stupid and listless and unremarkable, like I can't make interesting conversation, much less be interested. I haven't slept well when I do sleep and so I've put off sleep and then even with my poor sleep I'm not getting enough, further stupiding up my brain.

Meh. It happens. I'll come through the other side and be interested and interesting but in the meantime, it's wearying.

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