Heatwave riding.

2003-06-07 at 2:47 p.m.

Today's ride started at 11:30, which was a mite late--Portland's heatwave has been absofrigginlutely deathly, so I meant to be done by then. But really, who can argue with a Saturday morning? Even when you're not working, the air smells different on a Saturday morning and motivation seeps away. And even when you're in a heatwave, you gotta have your coffee while you read the paper.

So I got going later than I meant to, and frankly, I wasn't sure I'd make it. But I made it 14.5 miles today. Not much--I should be up to thirty, really, but I'll get there, by next weekend, I think. It's a mindset thing right now.

The funny thing is, for the first ten miles, I was glum. It might have had something to do with that ferocious, neverending hill I went up. I purposely tried to ride around Mount Tabor today because I just wasn't in the mood for a spiral unending incline--but I didn't go far enough east, so when I turned north the road. Just. Went. Up. I thought I was going to either pass out or vomit, and for a while, perhaps both. I paused about twenty feet from the top and contemplated peeing my pants, but decided against it. And this was only 4 miles into my ride. I made it to the top, though, and I didn't walk the bike, so that's what counts.

But I've met my training hill.

Going down was fun. Beautiful neighborhood, quiet streets. Got me back to health--but I still wasn't in the mood.

I was going to slog through the ride because I had to, nothing more. But then, around mile 9, I realized I was close to home, and... I didn't want to be done.

This is what happens when you go out without a plan, my friend. But I'm glad I got back to that place where riding a bike in a little like flying.

Tomorrow Andrew and I are driving to the Coast. Probably with half of Portland, but we haven't been out there yet (and I've been here six months already! The shame!) so we thought we'd go before summer had gotten too ingrained. That means my ride tomorrow probably won't be till almost dinner time. But word has it, the heatwave ends tomorrow (highs of 80--sweet sweet music to my ears) so that should be fine.

Oh! And I've had like three donations already to my thingy! That's so exciting! Two people used nicknames, but one I've already figured out (Diceman! could that be my pathologically gambling boss? hmmm! He's fabulous!). The other, though... Honky Tonk, who are you? I want to say, THANKS!!!!!


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