Holy Cow. (Heh. Get it? Cowalunga?)

2003-06-25 at 10:11 p.m.

Dude. So not sure what's going on. I mean, I am sure of one thing: I have some amazing friends. But even I am astounded at their (your) generosity.

The American Lung Association does some great things. Besides helping people quit smoking (and keeping kids from starting), they work with children with asthma problems, help Americans with chronic lung disease, work to reduce air pollution, and on and on and on. This is what my ride is supporting.

To do that, I had to do fundraising. I set my goal high--I wanted to raise $500. That was a stretch goal to me. But I find that these wonderful people go to my online web page--and keep donating. And donating. And donating. To date, we've raised $675. That's you, reading this, and everyone else I sent emails to, and everyone else I just told about this site. You've done this. You're amazing people.

It boggles my mind. And warms my heart.

Training wise, I've only gotten in about fifteen miles each these past two days. It hasn't been huge. Riding to classes has been fun, and I'm doing grocery shopping on my bike, so while these fifteen miles have been cobbled together out of four and file mile runs, it's also been with ten pounds of text books, or with twenty pounds of groceries (ten of which was ten pounds of potatoes--will someone explain to me why the grocery store would sell a five pound sack of potatoes for $0.88, and a ten pound sack of potatoes for $0.88? Yes, the same price??? No? Well, I bought the big sack, if anyone cares. Yes, we're getting a lot of starch in this household, thank you for asking.). So I consider it a mini-training.

Today, though, I biked to class--then from class to yoga--then did an hour and half of yoga--then biked home. Ned once told me something interesting--that a good biker has really strong "core body" strength--the internal strength through the torso--which keeps you from leaning too heavily on your hands. Theoretically (and I'm paraphrasing here) you should be supporting your upper body through your trunk, and your hands should only be on the handlebar to steer, not to support your upper body. This is my justification for the yoga.

Actually, my justification for the yoga is that it's friggin cool and makes me feel twenty feet tall. But that's my justification for not riding a zillion miles today. Yoga. And homework.

(hee. I have homework.)

Anyway, back on the training thing tomorrow.

Smooches, everyone. And thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. Especially to Honky Tonk, whoever you are, and Dice-Man, and sailaway, and Ned, and Dave, and Eryn, and Craig, and Peter, and especially--ESPECIALLY--anonymous.

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