What? I'm supposed to be working???

2004-03-18 at 10:43 a.m.

I have a little story to tell, but I'm still grinding through one of my work-from-home jobs. I'm so close to the end I can taste it, and I just want to finish, so you'll have to wait.

Here's my morning:

6:00 AM. I'm... in a bed. There's... something hitting me. Oh. Dog tail.

6:05 AM. Jesus god, what's that noise? Dog. Needs. Out. Shit.

6:06 AM. Let dog out.

6:07 AM. Go back to bed.

6:08 AM. Oops. Get back up and let dog back in. Go back to bed again and pretend to fall asleep again.

6:30 AM. Pull blanket over head as Andrew's alarm goes off.

7:00 AM. "Cover your pretty eyes!" sings an alarmingly chipper husband as he flicks on the overhead light. I contemplate murder. Would I still get the insurance? It might be doable.

7:15 AM. "If you don't turn off that light soon, I will divorce you."

7:16 AM. Get up, as I'm awake anyway. But be really pissy about it to prove a point.

7:25 AM. Andrew leaves. Matilda starts whining.

7:45 AM. Love that Dilbert. Mmmm, coffee.

8:00 AM. Sit down in front of the computer. I will not move until I get at least an hour's worth of work done! Turn on NPR and settle down for some serious data entry.

8:15 AM. Refill coffee.

8:25 AM. Check email.

8:32 AM. Check out what Leigh Ann, Lee, Rob, Maggie, Leah, Erin, Stef, Heather, and Mimi are up to.

9:00 AM. Damn you Pacific Time Zone NPR. Morning edition ends before my morning has really started. Now it's Performance Today, which I'll still listen to because I'm too lazy to put in a CD or change the station. Plus, it makes me look really serious.

9:15 AM. Refill coffee. Come back to computer. Okay, now I'm serious.

9:16 AM. Hmmm, I wonder what TiVo recorded last night?

9:17 AM. No, resist!

9:18 AM. It can't hurt to look, right?

9:19 AM. Ooooh, What Not to Wear (BBC version)! It's just a half an hour, right?


9:41 AM. But first, I SO gotta pee.

9:42 AM. Wow, I really didn't realize how badly I have to pee!

9:45 AM. Okay, crankin' out now! Gotta work work work work work!

9:46 AM. I really wonder if I've had too much coffee! Because everything is really important!

10:15 AM. Is there anything in the fridge?

10:16 AM. Oooh, pie!

10:17 AM. Serious. Serious and focused.

10:45 AM. Update diary.

11:00 AM. Talk of the Nation comes on NPR. Regularly talk back to moronic call-ins. People are stupid!

11:15 AM. Shit, the morning is almost over. I'm working! working working working!

11:45 AM. Maybe I'll focus more if I shower.

12:00 PM. Why do we never have clean clothes in this house? It really feels like we are ALWAYS doing laundry, but why can I never find a pair of clean pants? Seriously, is Matilda hiding them in some doggy hidey hole somewhere? Do elves come in and steal them? They wouldn't even fit an elf, what am I thinking?

12:01 PM. Contemplate cutting down on coffee in the future.

12:15 PM. Should I work, then fix lunch? Or just fix lunch? Lunch.

12:16 PM. Oooh, pie!

12:30 PM. Okay, I have thirty minutes before I need to leave for the bookstore. FOCUS!

12:31 PM. Fuckit, there's American Idol on TiVo, I'll catch up tomorrow.

I can't figure out why I'm behind!

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