Ketchup and Catchup.

2004-07-09 at 9:24 a.m.

Well, this "vacation" thing, where I was all busy? totally dribbled to nothing. I've lost all will power, all motivation, and I've had days where I don't even get dressed.

Which to some may sound like heaven, but I just don't do well under these circumstances.

I've watched god herself only knows how many movies (and if anyone's seen Ghost World, can you please explain it to me? I mean, I LOVED it, but I SO don't get it.), walked the pup, even contemplated jogging again, but of course, I haven't done anything because when you start watching crap TV at 9 a.m., you just don't stop.

I did get out over the holiday weekend to help one set of friends move, and another set of friends paint, and that was great. Seriously, the highlight. I'm eaten up with envy over Sara and Dave's house (house! They bought a HOUSE! It's AWESOME! It's a HOUSE!) but I'm dealing with it.

Oh and last night? I had a big ol' steaming plate of HOLY SHIT with a side of SWEET JESUS and a full glass of WHOOOOOOAAAA. I saw Spider Man 2. And OH MY GOD was it awesome. I mean, it was incredible. I may go see it again today. And Toby Maguire, for the first time I may understand the attraction. He is still far to wee for me to really fantasize about, but he was just adorable. And Kirsten Dunst--although she still needs to lose the Pursed-Lips-Equals-Acting philosophy--was incredible. (Her teeth still bother me too, though) Other than that, this movie was A-One-Great.

Then again, I may be flying out to my parents' house too, depending on a lot of factors (prime among which is "if mom answers the phone").

There's other stuff going on too that may be contributing to the lethargy (and the lack-of-posting-ness). When there's shit going on that's not just Your Shit--that's Shared Shit, if you will--it just don't feel right to muse/rant/bitch/whine about it publicly. In the event it's discuss-able, though, I will be.

Oh, and the laundry sink that I drunkenly knocked over Friday night and shattered to a million pieces, narrowly missing Amputation by Two Tons of Cement? (I could be wrong, but I believe I was trying to pee in the sink--that doesn't make much sense, given that we have a toilet and all) I'm finally getting it replaced today, after calling plumber after plumber. The whole plumbing shtick is such a racket, you know? One company wanted to charge fifty bucks just to come out and see how much it was going to cost. "Always Ready" plumbing, though, they're coming out here this morning and probably charging me sixty bucks all told. Which sucks and I really wish I didn't have to pay it because I'd much rather use it at, say, The Bonfire on Friday night, but at least this way I can wash my clothes again. I'm running out of underwear, and Andrew is going to have to start wearing mine tomorrow, if we don't do laundry like, today.

Priorities really suck sometimes.

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