Vacation from... what exactly?

2004-06-17 at 6:56 p.m.

This "vacation" thing is harder than I'd thought.

I've been on vacation a week and two days now and so far I've:

-taken a two-day trip to Seattle

-built a deck

-ripped up all the ugly-ass carpeting from my living room

-prepped making my Christmas gifts

-planted new honeysuckle and lavendar plants outside my study window

-hosted three gatherings

-taken my bike in to be repaired

-had a doctor's appointment

-seen three movies in the theater and rented three more.

-spent far too much money at Home Depot and Target.

-finished five books.

Help me. I really really really need to find something to do during the day.

I have another week--in which I'm already planning to finish one set of Christmas gifts, and I'm contemplating painting my living room (and shhh, don't tell Andrew, but maybe the kitchen) and maybe making new curtains--and then I have jury duty.

Dan and Emily came over last night to watch the Pistons (yay, Pistons!) and stopped just as they walked in the door. their jaws dropping (seriously, it looks that good. Why the hell would anyone put diarrhea-colored nylon carpet over hardwood floors? For the love of God, why???). Dan looked at me.

"You've got to find something to do during the day."

Seriously, here. I'm looking forward to jury duty.

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