Political debate.

2004-11-14 at 4:10 p.m.

People who creep me out:
James Dobson used to read a five minute news "bite" on the radio in Chicago I would hear while I was getting ready to go to my first capital J job. "I'm Dr. James Dobson, and this is Focus on the Family." And it would be kind of strict pragmatic advice and interesting but absolutist in a way that made me uneasy. I could never put my finger on why it made me uneasy until I read about him. If this is who takes credit for Bush, and Bush/Rove/Cheney agree, fear the next four years.

Ann Coulter, is, I realize, awfully passe to hate. She's been proven wrong so many times, and her analysis, analogies, and amalgamations are insulting, illogical, and just plain wrong so many times, it's like setting up a strawman argument: of course you win, because there was never really a way to back up her statements in the first place.

But she keeps getting printed. She keeps getting press, and she keeps getting face time. Her statements like, "Democrats believe we went into Iraq for oily Jews..." whaaaaat? but they get airplay. And no one calls her on it. So she scares me.

And I think it's worse because she's a woman. I feel like she has personally betrayed me, which is stupid because she's basically admitted she'd rather see liberal ol' me gassed than talk with me. She hasn't betrayed me, she's betrayed everyone. And she's chemically imbalanced.

Ashcroft. If he's never in a position of power again, it'll be to soon. How can anyone argue in favor of him? He's accomplished nothing but giving pols the right to rescind our civil rights on nothing more than a suspicion, he hasn't actually successfully tried anyone--ANYONE--for the terrorist acts that occurred on his watch, or any attempts thereafter, and... oh, and he's a TERRIBLE singer. The back side of anyone hasn't ever looked so good.

Why the Republican party frightens me to no end: listed here.

I don't like talking politics very much, mostly because I know in my gut what is right: my body is mine, not yours, and not some white Christian dude in West Virginia's. I married someone I love, and others should have that opportunity as well, regardless of what your genetic inheritance is (racially, sexually, or otherwise). It's in everyone's best interest that everyone have access to health care, food, and shelter. Our country, though it strives to be fair, still has inherent unfairness at its core that doesn't go away just because we deem it so. Medicine, science, and discovery should be used to alleviate suffering, not for the promotion of a politically expedient viewpoint.

I know these things to be true.

How to fix them is details. Important, true, but thats where I believe the political debate should be. Not whether these things are true.

It's the politicians who deny these truths that scare me. You may disagree with me on the best way to go about alleviating unfairness, but as long as you acknowledge that it exists, you get my respect. Its when you buy into the American myth that everyone has an equal chance that I know your political aspirations aren't for me. And shouldn't be for the rest of us, either.

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