Increase your vocabulary.

2004-11-15 at 8:02 p.m.

Vocabulary I have learned on the job today:

Math Hand: that condition wherein the pinky finger knife edge of your hand becomes coated in blue and green. A byproduct of copious demonstration at the overhead. Generally speaking, the worse the Math Hand, the worse your lesson plan went.

Smiling Assassins: those female students who are especially skilled at the Innocent Disobedience. "Who, me?" Often the most disruptive in a class, but this is only noticable after trying to get them to stop flirting, and only obvious when the teacher is also female.

Whale Tail: the visible thong above the waist of jeans. Is often a bad sign when your principal has to define it for you after saying they were, indeed, against dress code and you should have turned in that student.

Early Bed Time: what you have after a day of bad Math Hand turning into Math Teeth and then migrating to Math Lips (how on EARTH?), then face-planting on flat empty ground and that turns your ankle, and then after limping through your last class of the day, tripping over the overhead plug.

Only me.

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