I'd even sniff the notebooks if I could smell anything.

2004-12-04 at 5:50 p.m.

You know that best part of school--the first day--when you showed up with new pens and pencils and empty notebooks (and the perennial vow that this time you'd stay organized)? I'd love to be enjoying that right now.

I have two binders, one for Geometry and one for Algebra. I have the first week's lesson plans, quizzes, overheads, worksheets, and notes, all three-hole-punched and filed in order. I have an attendance and grade sheet for every class. I have a tackle-box I've filled with the knickknacks I need to take to every class (hall passes, pens, compasses, rulers, calculators, overhead pens, dry erase markers, pencils). I have a file case full of folders waiting to be filled.

I went in to the school today and set up my desk that Dude had (mostly) left empty. I arranged all the books, I found some CDs with Test Generators (yee ha! Gold mine!). I even got to adjust the seat so it was high enough and the back was angled at juuuuust the right height.

I'd love to revel in all that. Instead, someone has poured out my brains and filled my head with cement that has been setting for the past six hours. I sneeze and it hurts. I blow my nose, and my ears pop like I'm landing at Denver airport.

So right now my enjoyment is pretty much intellectual acknowledgement that I'm almost as ready as I can be for Monday. The emotional part is dulled and deadened and bleak and sucking on zinc tablets.

It's so unfair. I don't want to be sick on my first day of school.

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