They shouldn't leave this out of the recruitment poster.

2005-02-08 at 8:13 p.m.

There are several things they don't tell you about teaching.

Parent teacher conferences: they tell you about talking to parents and they tell you about talking to students and talking to parents without the students and parents with the students and hoodee hadee blahblahblah. They don't tell you about how you get backed the hell up on work while you're prepping for the aforementioned talk.

Paperwork: dear sweet lord in heaven, I feel like I'll never ever be caught up on homework, like, ever! I have graded probably 500 pieces of work since school got out yesterday. I was up until midnight last night. I hope to be done by about nine, ten tonight. Wish me luck.

Students: some of 'em you just don't like. Stinky. Seth. Goofus, who really is like the anti-Gallant of Highlights fame.

Energy: I have none. Zip. Zilch.

Paperwork: can I just revisit this? I feel like I'm constantly losing papers and homeworks and quizzes and tests.

Absences: Seems like I always have kids absent when I have tests. I had five or six kids absent today. For a test! And the kids who are absent just before a test? Sweet lord. What do I do with them? How do they make up tests?


I think I need to make some more "I love your kid" phone calls tomorrow. I'm getting grumpy grumpy grumpy.

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