Title goes here.

2005-06-03 at 10:26 a.m.


We officially own our house now!


We officially own our house now!

Don't panic.

I'm stressing out. There's house stuff to be done before we move in, there's moving, there's getting my license to teach taken care of (yay, more bureaucracy!), there's packing, there's getting registered to finish my Masters, there's SWEET JESUS NO END OF SHIT TO DO.

Things have been tough between me and Andrew. I come home from work during the week absolutely shattered. I'm so tired I nap for two hours before dinner, that's how exhausted I am. Weekends, though, Andrew's been working like a fiend. As a result, we're on completely different schedules and not seeing each other and not working together. All this tension came to a head last night with a pretty awful fight, with Andrew driving off to work--coming home at 1:15.

The remnants are still all cobwebby over us this morning. I hope things get better.

This moving shit? SO over it. Just want to be DONE NOW, thank you.

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