T Minus 2 days!

2005-06-23 at 12:33 a.m.

I have something very important to say:

If you smoke in your house? STOP. Right now. STOP.

Because nicotine sucks to paint over.

Two layers of primer and 2 layers of paint and the asstastic ceiling tiles were STIL brown. So I had to go out (or actually: send Andrew out) and get some oil primer.

And I have to say now: oil primer? SUCKS.

I have paint in my hair, on my face, up and down my arms, and it WILL NOT COME OFF. I'm peeling paint off my feet.


I don't understand how people on those home improvement shows paint without getting schmutz all over their pretty pretty clothes. Needless to say, I get it EVERYWHERE. It's a major effort not to get it all over the wood floors everywhere. BUT I WILL PREVAIL, PEOPLE.

I SO thought I would be done by now.

Andrew's been a hero, by the way. Tonight, while I was putting on the ZILLIONTH layer of primer, he was digging out the dead dandelion chandelier from the gutters and applying MOSS B WARE to the roof (who knew you had to put MOSS B WARE on the roof, scare that Moss off? SHOO, MOSS! AND B WARE! WE WILL GET YOU! The things you learn!) (although the idea that moss can grow on a roof in rainy rainy Portland makes sense, I suppose).

T Minus 2 days and counting until WE ARE IN OUR NEW HOME... And the madness can chill the FUCK OUT. And I can go a day without paint on my person.

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