
2005-06-26 at 10:13 p.m.

We're in.

It's very unnatural yet. All these pieces of furniture we've picked up in our various placings of living over each of our thirty-some-odd years, but in a brand new spot. Our dining room table we bought together, our first purchase together (with a leaf in it, for the first time!), is now sitting under this chandelier we installed last weekend. In a dining room, which we haven't had before. In a house we haven't lived in before. On a street that's now "our street".

It still feels like we're house-sitting in someone else's house, though.

Aside from installing lights, admiring my bad-ass mad painting skills, and letting the dog pee wherever the hell she wants (yay!), of course.

I have, seriously, the best friends in the whole entire world. A DOZEN PEOPLE SHOWED UP TO HELP US MOVE. Twelve. And half of those people just cleaned like mad demons.

Moving is its own peculiar hell. The good part of moving is finding all that shit you thought you'd lost. The bad part is finding the g-string you thought you lost when your friends pick up your dresser and there it's sitting, right underneath. Or having to steel yourself against apologizing to the friends helping you move, because the dirt they're finding when they wipe the bathroom walls is GRODY and you SWEAR you don't normally live in filth, but there's the grimy rag to prove otherwise, and where the hell did all that crap on the ceiling come from? Seriously?

But these friends shouldered finding my corset, wiping behind the stove, and throwing away the liquified bell pepper and in three hours--THREE HOURS--they had moved our entire household AND cleaned our last one, cleaned it till it GLEAMED. I mean, holy shit.

Part of me will be really sad when I realize I don't live around the corner from my favorite greasy spoon in the entire world, but today was great. I installed a closet system today (like most older houses, this one shows an appalling lack of wardrobe in people from way back when. What the hell did they wear???? Because they certainly didn't have room to PUT it anywhere) and now almost all of our clothes are put away. I mean, PUT AWAY. How cool is that???

We have a house. This is our house. This is our home.

And I don't have to paint again for a very, very, very long time.

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