100 things about me.

2003-10-10 at 10:32 a.m.

Because I've seen them on other people's websites and I always like to read them.

1. I am really really tall. 6'1". Or almost--I'm actually six-foot and half-to-three-quarters of an inch, but it's so much easier to say six-one.

2. I also have really big feet. Most women's shoes manufacturers don't even make shoes in my size. Except, of course, the ugly-shoe-makers and the evil-pointy-toe-shoe-makers.

3. Fact 1 plus Fact 2 means it's really hard to find clothes and stuff that fit. Especially when I try to find stuff at thrift stores.

4. I have bad teeth. Not in an English-overbite sort of way--in a cavity-in-every-tooth sort of way. All except my front eight teeth have cavaties. I do brush--I swear! Mom says it's just because I inherited her weak teeth. Whatever that means.

5. I love to read. I go nuts when I don't have something to read whenever I have downtime. I read newspapers, trashy romance novels, mysteries, non-fiction, cereal boxes, anything.

6. I've been known, when reading, to not hear someone call my name when stading three feet from me.

7. I have a propensity to merrily split my infinitives. I think it's one of the dumbest rules in the English language.

8. My nose is pierced.

9. I love math.

10. I resent people who say that makes me weird.

11. My husband, Andrew, and I have been married almost two years now.

12. To surprise him, I had the inside of his wedding band engraved. It says, "Put it back on." It also has the wrong wedding date.

13. I love trivia. Much of my brain is devoted to the storage of useless facts. Such as, the only two monotreme mammals are the platypus and the echidna, or spiny anteater.

14. Competition makes me both very uncomfortable and very, well, agressive. Maybe it's the aggression that makes me uncomfortably. I want to win. Doesn't matter at what. I am uncomfortable in those situations in which there is competition but I am probably not going to win, or at least do well. For example, basketball.

15. Despite trying almost every sport ever (except golf and synchronized swimming) I am not very coordinated, flexible, fast, or accurate. Making most competitive sports situations very awkward.

16. Sports I have tried: gymnastics, soccer, softball, tennis, ultimate frisbee, rugby, broomball, basketball, volleyball, darts, martial arts, ice skating, horseback riding.

17. The only one I was nominally good at was rugby, mostly because the position I played didn't involve much catching, throwing, or kicking. Of the ball, anyway.

18. Even then, I wasn't very good, because running sucks ass, and there's lots of running in rugby.

19. When I was ten, I was on a horse that got stung by a bee. It reared up, knocking me off. My mom, who was on a nearby horse, said I was very calm in the crisis, and managed to execute a perfect roll away from the plunging hooves of the horse. As if I meant to.

20. When I was seven, our family had just gone to see Star Trek, and I was racing my little brother to the car when I tripped and hit a bumper. I knocked out my entire front tooth (it was a baby tooth). When dad ran into the concession stand to get some water and ice for his bleeding daughter, they charged him for the cup.

21. Name a shitty job, I've probably had it, except waitressing. McDonalds and Wendys, check. Video clerk. Movie theater. Even directing traffic in a shitty orange vest.

22. I have a brother in New York City and a sister in Paris.

23. I used to live in Chicago, which made us some urban-dwelling kids, which is funny because we all grew up in suburbs. In the suburbiest of suburbs. Even after moving to Ann Arbor, it was a suburby life.

24. 100 things is hard.

25. I am allergic to cats.

26. As a result, I'm a dog person.

27. I've been fired from two jobs: Blockbuster and a department store. I deserved the first, but not the second.

28. I was born in Nashville. I don't remember much about it.

29. I do remember getting teased for my fledgling southern accent when we moved to Illinois. Both my parents are northerners, so I never got much of an accent, but I did say "Yella" instead of "yellow". But not for long. Peer pressure is highly effective on normalizing six-year-olds.

30. I am both a good typist and good speller. Poor spelling drives me batshit.

31. Some of my best friends are poor spellers, though, so I work to overlook it.

32. I like to cook, and I'm decent at it, but I wish I were more creative. And had more money, so I could cook fancy things more often.

33. Andrew and I used to have more money than we do right now. Readjusting is hard. Good for us, and we're happy with the reasons why we have less money, but it's still hard.

34. I'm very envious of both my brother and my sister. My brother is working hard to make it in documentaries, which is so uber-cool I can't believe it. My sister lives in Paris, speaks like four languages, and is brilliant.

35. I believe in reincarnation, if only because there are so many other lives I have wanted to lead in addition to the one I'm leading right now, that one life isn't enough time to do it all.

36. I wish I had a better sense of humor than I do. I often don't realize when people are teasing me.

37. I have an overwhelming fear of the dentist. Clammy, cold-sweat fear of the dentist. See fact 4 above.

38. I lost forty-five pounds in the year before my wedding. I've managed to keep off most of them--I just lost ten pounds that I'd regained.

39. I'd like to lose ten more. Not enough to freak out about, but enough that I joined a gym.

40. Holy shit, I'm only up to forty?

41. My eyes used to be really bad--legally blind in some states--but I had laser eye surgery. That shit is the BOMB. I forget sometimes that I used to wear glasses and not be able to see the alarm clock in the morning. Then the realization hits me that I can all over again, and I'm nigh unto giddy.

42. I like to quilt, but I haven't had enough time to do it lately.

43. I've only finished two quilts before. One is a cool t-shirt quilt I made. The other I gave to a now-ex-boyfriend who then married my ex-roommate. Not because I gave him the quilt, of course.

44. My mom met my dad when he was dating her roommate. I suppose I took one for the team, karmically speaking we were due.

45. I have four jobs right now. It's stressing me out a little bit.

46. I work at a bookstore part time. Not with books or anything--with all the "other stuff" one finds at a University bookstore. Sweatshirts, notebooks, keychains, coffeemugs.

47. The best perk with working at a bookstore is free books: advance reader copies and the books they tear the covers off of. Since you don't get a choice, really, about what's for free, you end up reading stuff you wouldn't necessarily have read before. I've found some GREAT stuff that way.

48. I'm about to turn thirty, and I'm a little freaked out by it.

49. Quite a lot, actually.

50. Thirty always sounded old to me, and here I am, no kids, returning to school to start a new career at the bottom. Not quite what I pictured I'd be at thirty.

51. That said, I'm happy with all the choices that have brought me here. So I choose not to dwell on it too much.

52. Holy fuck, thirty?!?!?!?

53. My husband is tall too, 6'3". Two of my best friends are 6' or taller. My sister is 5'11". I'm not sure what height is normal, but everyone else seems kinda short to me.

54. I love sushi, but it might just be because I love wasabi.

55. I can't tell good wine from cheap wine.

56. So we drink a lotta cheap wine 'round here.

57. I tend to procrastinate, but I'm getting better about it.

58. I still haven't finished my application to graduate school yet, though.

59. I wish I'd fought harder to be allowed to learn to play drums when I was younger.

60. I wish I'd fought harder for a lot of things.

61. When I was younger, I had a tendency to do what was expected of me with little argument.

62. I still do, but I think I'm better at choosing when to argue.

63. I like to think I'm a really good friend, especially when in need.

64. However, I'm a horribly bad correspondant.

65. Seriously horribly bad.

66. Two thirds done. Jay-sus.

67. I don't bite my fingernails too much, but I have been known to gnaw on them, just not with the intention of breaking them.

68. As a result, my fingernails break often.

69. I think 69ing is overrated. Too much distraction to do your partner justice, too busy trying to do your partner justice to actually enjoy what's being done to you.

70. I can be very argumentative from time to time.

71. Ahem. From time to time.

72. I think marijuana should be legalized. It's stupid that two more dangerous and addictive substances are legal and pot isn't.

73. Of course, I'm not sure I understand why tobacco is legal, so that's not the best argument in the world. A better reason might be that the War on Drugs has massively failed, it's expensive, and if the government is going to interfere, why not interfere with prevention rather than jailing stoners?

74. I'm not terribly politically acute, and I've never much cared one way or t'other.

75. However, I've voted in every national election except Clinton's second term. And then I didn't only because I didn't get my absentee ballot in time.

76. I have a gorgeous engagement ring that I rarely wear because it is far more gorgeous than most places I know, and I feel like everyone is staring.

77. I love my wedding ring. It says "My little buttercup" inside. My husband proposed by singing that song to me in front of 200 people.

78. I can keep a secret when it's really important.

79. I made my desk in my study. I'm very proud of it. I like to sit at it when I work.

80. I love rain. Love it love it love it.

81. I have to go soon. This is taking a long damn time!

82. I swear like a sailor. I'm nervous of being around kids because I accidentally swear all the time.

83. I like music, but I don't listen to it much, mostly because I think in our society music often just becomes more noise, and if I'm going to have background noise, I like hearing what's going on around me.

84. I love NPR.

85. I'm a big giant nerd, and I don't mind. In fact, I rather like it.

86. Most of my friends are nerds in one way or another. I like smart people.

87. My family is one of the nerdiest families I know.

88. I love travel. I've been to Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Germany, Italy, France, England, Scotland, Egypt, Portugal, Monaco, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Belize, Mexico, and Canada, along with some islands in the Carribean.

89. I want to go to Asia desperately badly. Mongolia, Bhutan, China, and Thailand especially.

90. I'll really stand out in most of Asia.

91. I tried to learn Russian in college, but I just didn't have time.

92. I like starting to learn new things. I've taken classes in voice over, woodworking, sign language, yoga, and paper making.

93. I'm not the best on follow through.

94. I have six rolls of film to develop sitting on the mail table. At least two of them are almost a year old.

95. I don't get opera.

96. I've been trying not to start sentences with "I" but I've been failing miserably.

97. Some nicknames I've had in elementary, junior high, and high school: "Big Lips", "Thunder Thighs", "Tall Girl", "Kari from Another Planet." My peers were not terribly creative.

98. In junior high, I went to the high school in the morning for math class. As a result I had to take the short bus back to junior high for third period. You can imagine the popularity I scored therein.

99. I have horrible cramps with my period.

100. You didn't need to know that last one, did you? Too bad, sucka, I'm done!

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