Mild panic attack.

2003-09-30 at 10:47 a.m.

Okay, people, this shit is getting ridiculous.

My application to the Graduate Teacher Education Program is due in a month and I still have cross off more than the evil subject test I took a couple weeks ago.

People, what's wrong with this picture?

I've never actually contemplated not getting in. I mean, sure they'd be lucky to have me, but really, I have to be more reasonable about this. I am a brilliant student, and of course I'll make a stupendous teacher... but they might not see that.

I need to nail this shit down.

I've spent all morning on the phone setting up volunteer opportunities (to get recommendations), getting my transcript, that kind of thing.

I get oddly panicky when I think about this situation. It's been this far-looming deadline for so long I haven't really done anything with it.

Nicole and Becca continually remark on how much I have gotten one once I decided to do this, and it's kind of true. Once I decided in May I was going back to school to be a teacher--that THIS was my path--it was a fairly easily laid out path. I needed to take a math class? Done. Psych? Got it. Society and Education? In it now. Okay, next? Volunteer! Got it.

Fill out the applications and actually get the recommendations?


I'm on it, I'm on it. I'll do it. But I hate hate HATE having these long to-do lists where everything is interconnected. I hate having to wait for people to get back to me to tell me whether they can write a rec or not. I hate having to figure out WHO to ask!

Blegh. Like I told a friend today. When you're overwhelmed with stuff to do? The best way through it is liteally THROUGH it. Slog through it step by step until you can come out the other side and say,

"My, that sucked!"

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