Thirty Three Things.

2004-04-30 at 12:09 p.m.

1. What time do you get up?

Meh. What time do I want to get up? About an hour before I have to leave, which depends on whether I'm in the high schools or have classes of my own. What time do I actually get up? Whenever Andrew's alarm clock goes off, often at extremely ungodly hours.

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be?

In no particular order: Jon Stewart, Al Franken, Janene Garafolo (apologies for misspelling, I'm too lazy to look it up), or Tina Fey. Because they're all smart AND funny.

3. Gold or silver?

Silver or white gold. I just don't like gold.

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

Oh, Laws of Attraction. Blargh. Please, no more screwball comedies where the woman just needs a good man so she can understand how worthy she is of being loved. Don't worry, it was free.

6. What did you have for breakfast?


7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?

Rush Limbaugh. Dubya. Most of my exboyfriends, except Keith.

8. What/who inspires you?

My mom. My dad. My sister. My brother. My husband. Different things from different people.

9. What is your middle name?

Jean or Cornelius, depending on which legal document you consult.

10. Beach, City or Country?

Crap. I have no idea. City, I s'pose. Although the city I want is much smaller than most peoples' cities, I think "country" would drive me batshit crazy eventually.

11. Favorite ice cream?

Ben and Jerry's Phish Food.

12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn?

Salted. Or with cheezy sprinkle on it. Parmasan. And garlic. Mmmmm.

13. Favorite color?

Green, I spose, although I dunno.

14. What kind of car do you drive?

Andrew and I split a Civic, although I tend to drive Trimet more often than not. If my "drive" you mean "ride".

15. Favorite sandwich?

My fave bar, Beulah Land, makes an AWESOME veggie sammich. Otherwise, seriously, PB&J.

16. What characteristic do you despise?


17. Favorite flower?

Pretty much anything besides roses and carnations, which is a problem because Portland considers itself a big ol' Rose city and there are roses everywhere and everything is Rose This and Important Thing Rose That. I just don't like roses, rosebushes, or rose anything.

18. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?

Name it, I'd go. Bhutan is on my wishlist, so is Kilimanjaro. South Africa, Peru, Mongolia, China, Prague, Poland, damn. I need money so I can travel.

19. What color is your bathroom?

Yeah! My bathroom is entirely coated in plastic green fake-marble sheeting. And when I say "entirely" I mean, the ceiling too.

20. Favorite brand of clothing?

The kind that fits. I can't be choosy here, people.

21. Where would you retire to?

Oh, I'd love to retire to France. Or Hawaii. Or Mexico.

22. Favorite day of the week?

This one.

23. What did you do for your last birthday?

Some girlfriends and I went out to a piano bar for drinks, a dive bar for more drinks (and bad appetizers) and then to a strip club. It was great.

24. Where were you born?

Nashville, Tennessee.

25. Favorite sport to watch?

Football, Olympics, or the spelling bee.

28. What fabric detergent do you use?

The cheap no-name kind.

29. Coke or Pepsi?

Diet Coke if I have to choose, but I try to steer clear of soda lately.

30. Are you a morning person or night owl?

Whatever Not Morning Person is, I'm that.

31. What is your shoe size?

11 women's which is huge.

32. Do you have any pets?

Paging crazy Matilda!

33. Shoes or barefoot?

Barefoot whenever possible. Although I do love shoes. Love them.

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