2004-11-02 at 10:28 p.m.

I just can't. I can't look. On mediamatters.org, they say Bush has 269 electoral votes.

I know I said I just wanted it to be over but I didn't mean it. You hear that, God? I didn't mean it.

I don't want four more years of being the drunk frat guy at the party where everyone else lines the walls staring on in horror as we fuck everything up and then piss on ourselves and pass out in our own vomit. I don't want four more years of killing people, four more years of killing ourselves, of robbing the poor to pay the rich, of screwing our children's education, of stripping our Constitution of everything we've held dear. I don't want to replace Rehnquist with someone who will take away my and my future daughter's right to choose, who'll turn activist judge into a federal position, who'll do whatever the white guy says.

I can't face being American right now.

I'm sorry, world. Please know I feel as trapped as you do.

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