
2005-05-01 at 10:59 a.m.

Meme from my sister, by way of Yvonne:

40 things:

1)My uncle: earned my shock and awe when he, as a forty-something guy, beat a bunch of whipper-snappers in a drink off one a family vacation. The fact that he (a) competed against a bunch of strangers twenty-years younger in a drinking contest and (b) did it in front of his children and neices and nephew and (c) shocked me, tells you a helluva lot about him and me.

2)Never in my life: have I been happy with my haircut.

3)When I was five: I thought that one night while I was sleeping, witches would come along and paralyze little children, but they would either paralyze everything above the covers, or everything below the covers, but I didn't know which. As a result, I hedged my bets by always sleeping with one arm above and one arm below the covers. That way, I'd always be able to use one arm.

4)High School was: bad, but not bad enough to keep me from being a high school teacher.

5)I will never forget: a grocery list my mom asked me to help her remember: "Milk, bananas and trashbags." I was four.

6)I once met: Brittany Murphy.

7)There�s this girl I know who: named all the capitals of Africa for a free drink.

8 )Once, at a bar:

9)By noon I�m usually: halfway through my work day, and sooooo ready to be all the way through.

10)Last night: I saw "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

11)If I only had: more patience.

12)Next time I go to church: hell will probably freeze over and pigs will probably fly.

13)Terry Schiavo: needs to just rest in PEACE already! Sheesh!

14)What worries me most: is that decisions today will irretrievably fuck me down the road.

15)When I turn my head left, I see: pictures of our trip to Belize, our honeymoon in New Zealand, and my college rugby team.

16)When I turn my head right, I see: National Geographic magazines, a giant painting of sunflowers, a hot-pink hanging paper lamp.

17)You know I�m lying when: I say I don't care. If I truly, truly didn't care, I wouldn't even tell you I didn't care.

18) What I miss most about the eighties: is that bad dance moves.

19)If I was a character written by Shakespeare, I�d be: the nurse from Romeo and Juliet.

20)By this time next year: I WILL be employed, planning my home improvement tasks for the summer.

21)A better name for me would be: She Who Plans Too Much.

22)I have a hard time understanding: why people would be mean. It takes so much less energy to just ignore or forget about people you don't like; why say mean things, send mean emails, poop on people? Especially if you're sending mean and petty emails to my family. I don't get you.

23)If I ever go back to school I�ll: be in school forever.

24)You know I like you if: I gossip with you.

25)If I won an award, the first person I�d thank would be: Andrew.

26)Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferraro: Smart, Genius, Cool, Smart.

27)Take my advice, never: put too much faith in the bureaucratic university system.

28)My ideal breakfast is: fresh strawberries, an omelette, coffee, juice.

29)A song I love, but do not have is: everything by Deathcab for Cutie.

30)If you visit my hometown, I suggest: Hometown v.1.0: wander the diag. Hometown v.2.0: take the El. Hometown v.3.0: rent a bike.

31)Tulips, character flaws, microchips & track stars: Love them, have them, don't care about them, and ditto.

32)Why won�t people: just unplug the tv already?

33)If you spend the night at my house: you'd better like dog hair.

34)I�d stop my wedding for: ... a time machine?

35)The world could do without: meth.

36)I�d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: go back to banking.

37)My favorite blonde is: either my Hottie McCutie sister, or Cutie McDrooley baby Will. Sorry, sis, but he's cuuuuuuute.

38) Paper clips are more useful than: dart boards.

39) If I do anything well, it�s: making a mess.

40) And by the way: my life is going to change majorly in the next six months, and I have no idea how.

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