
2005-05-02 at 11:23 p.m.

Every day I click on my yahoo email hoping today is the day that Someone Important looked at my resume, at my cover letter, at my email, found me somehow and said, Aha! What we need is Her to teach Calculus to our kids! She Is Just What I Need!

Somehow, I continue to be disappointed, and yet I continue to click.

Standing in line for a movie Saturday night:

Me: Oh, look, a poster for the new Star Wars.

Andrew: Yeah, it's not going to be here, it's at their sister theater down the street.

Me: Why do you know that?

Andrew: I need to buy tickets for my entire company, we're taking the afternoon off to watch it the Friday it comes out.

Me: Is that at the theater we saw Xmen at?

Andrew: You mean X-men 2?

Me: Yeah, that one, where I waited in line for everyone for like two hours?

Andrew: Is that where we saw Matrix 2?

Me: No, that was across town.

Andrew: Matrix 3?

Me: No, I skipped Matrix 3 because I was so disappointed about Matrix 2. I'm considering that about this Star Wars, but I probably won't be able to resist.

Andrew: Yeah, it's that theater.

I like to call this The Geekiest Conversation Ever. But that's probably because we were also in line for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe. An hour early. And we were the second people in line.

Note: it wasn't that good. Better than Matrix 2, but not worth an hour in line.

We're probably buying a house. Assuming nothing bad bad bad happens in the next seven days, we will be joining the world of indebted Americans (ha! as if we weren't there already!) but this house is SO my dream house there aren't even words, so the whole deal will probably get loused up somehow. Or it will turn out to be termite infested or something.

Which is what's making this whole job-getting process so much more nerve-wracking.

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