
2005-05-11 at 10:41 p.m.

Parent teacher conferences. I saw thirty parents. THIRTY. In THREE HOURS. That means I averaged one every 6 minutes. I was a CONVEYOR BELT of parents.

And somewhere in there, I got a pee break, too.

I had whispered instructions from some students, "Tell her I talked to you about sitting somewhere else last week."

Or "don't tell her I'm failing!"

One of my favorites: "Does that guy still have a higher grade than I do?" This from the student who had a 98% last term and has a 97% this term, but now there's someone with a 98.6%.

Hee. I actually love parent teacher conferences--it's a three hour energy spree. I get to brag to my favorite students' parents and tell them that they can be really proud of their kid. It's fantastic. It's so lucky to be able to say that to someone. Teachers bitch and moan about them, but really, it's a great chance to see all these parents and families and intersections.

Ah, to bed. Yay. I'm five weeks away from completing my first "year" of teaching. How crazy is that shit?

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